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Pest Repellers in Autumn: Which Pests to Watch Out For

Pest repellers are equally important when the fall begins to reign. As the temperature begins to drop, it’s time to make sure your home are ready for holidays, and there are no pests in sight. And that’s when the ultrasonic pest repellers come handy, since you need to deal with new round of pests that may affect you and your homes.  

Summer pests like flies and mosquitoes die off in the fall and winter. But this doesn’t mean you need to turn your pest repeller off. Many of the pests start to move inside in the fall. This is because many of these pests can’t survive outdoors as temperatures drop. So keep your ultrasonic pest repellers turned on.

Many of the summer pests survive some of the harshest winters. Let’s take a look at which pests you should be watching out for as the fall season rolls in.


In general, spiders aren’t moving inside, but there are specific breeds of spiders adapt to the living conditions inside your home. Don’t be renting your rooms to these spiders in October! Bigger hunting spiders may accidentally enter homes. They are often harmless and they don’t reproduce indoors, so you can be sure that the ultrasonic pest repeller will kick them out. What’s even better, it’s not likely they return. 

But there are specific breeds of spiders that have adapted to living indoors for thousands of years. Some species of spiders found in your home include:

  • American house spider
  • Cellar spider
  • Domestic house spider
  • Cupboard spider

These house spiders typically enter your homes and reside in furniture, wood flooring, and the walls of your home. They feed on other pests like mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches, so they can actually be helpful to your home—but this doesn’t mean you need to trade off your ultrasonic pest repellers for their help!


Cockroaches are a problem at every season. They thrive best in summer time but many move indoors when cooler months come. There's a lot of work for the ultrasonic pest repeller when cockroaches move indoors because their bodies can’t stand the colder temperatures.

Cockroaches will also reside in sewer drains, walls, and basements to find warmth. The only place to then go for food and water is inside.

IMPORTANT: Cockroaches can carry a wide range of diseases like the plague, salmonellosis, and typhoid fever. They can also trigger asthma attacks, so it’s imperative you keep an eye out for cockroaches and take the necessary steps to prevent them from proliferating. So keep your ultrasonic pest repeller working at all times to prevent cockroaches from setting shop!


Ants seek warmth as the weather starts to get cooler. A Stanford study discovered that ants were more likely to enter your home the colder and wetter it got outside, noting that the type of weather outside directly related to how many ants you had in your home. Conversely, the study also found that the amount of pesticide you used outside did not result in ants pushing closer to your home.  Therefore, it's time to swap pesticides for the ultrasonic pest repeller.

Another research at Texas A&M actually suggest the fall as a perfect time to set up repellers for ants, particularly fire ants, and especially if they’re near or around your home.

Bees and wasps

Pests that sting—bees and wasps, in particular—can become a problem in the fall, which is when they feed and store up food for the cold winter.

Most species of bees use the fall as a last-minute effort to store up enough honey in their hives. During the fall, bees know it’s time to go into this food-gathering mode. As for wasps, the fall is also prime feeding time because fallen fruit and nectar is in abundance, so they are particularly active.

This can cause both bees and wasps to enter into your home. They aren’t out to hurt you, though, and they are important to the ecosystem. If you do encounter either of these, turn the electronic pest repeller so they are removed carefully.

Prevention tips

There are some general preventative steps you can take to make your home as least susceptible as possible to pests looking to enter and thrive in your home.

Clear up outside

As mentioned before, many of these pests hide in piles of leaves and bushes during the winter to try to stay warm. Make sure to consistently rake leaves and make sure too much shrubbery doesn’t pile up on your lawn, especially the closer you get to your home.

Clean inside your home

When inside your house, pests feed off leftover food and water. Scrub counters and wipe them down to make sure no crumbs or standing water are leftover for cockroaches and rodents to feed off while you’re sleeping. Place ultrasonic pest repellers in every room to prevent pests from entering.

Also make sure that trash cans are tightly sealed and aren’t left sitting around if full. Just as pests seek warmth in piles of debris outside, they do the same indoors, so clean up accumulations of clothes and laundry. 

Check for holes and clearings from outside of your home

Pests need to get into your home somehow. Clearings at the base of your home give way for pests to enter through the basement and pipings underground. Also, holes near gutters give pests an entryway into your walls.

You should watch out for what you decorate your home with in the fall, too. It’s tempting to place pumpkins, aromatic wood chips, and scarecrows in and around your home, but piles of straw, wood, and rotting food are all attractive to pests. Make sure to solve your initial pest problem before deciding to decorate your home with fall decor.

If you still see a pest presence, then it's time to install ultrasonic pest repellers in every room of your home.

Julia Gabriel